700+ Best Dialogue Tags List & Action Beats For Every Writer

The Dialogue Tags “said” and “asked” are the most common and often the least intrusive dialogue tags. But it’s always best to use other dialogue tags when they add meaning or help convey the tone/emotion of the dialogue.

In this post, we’ll provide an extensive list of best dialogue tags you can use in your writing. Remember, though; it’s essential to use dialogue tags sparingly. Also, avoid overusing overly descriptive or uncommon dialogue tags, as they can distract the reader and take away from the story’s content.

dialogue tags list

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500 Best Dialogue Tags List

For clear and easier navigation, I’ve broken down this dialogue tags list and action beats into seven groups:

  1. Dialogue Tags other than said
  2. Dialogue tags for questions
  3. Dialogue tags before dialogue
  4. Dialogue tags after dialogue
  5. Dialogue tags: Action tags
  6. Dialogue tags: Adverbs
  7. Dialogue Tags: Angry tags
  8. Action Beats
  9. More Dialogue Tags

A. 100 Dialogue Tags Other Than Said

Here are 500 dialogue tags other than “said” to add variety and nuance to your writing:

  1. Acknowledged
  2. Admitted
  3. Advised
  4. Affirmed
  5. Agreed
  6. Allowed
  7. Amended
  8. Announced
  9. Answered
  10. Apologized
  11. Approved
  12. Argued
  13. Articulated
  14. Asked
  15. Assented
  16. Asserted
  17. Assumed
  18. Assured
  19. Babbled
  20. Barked
  21. Bawled
  22. Beamed
  23. Began
  24. Bellowed
  25. Beseeched
  26. Blabbed
  27. Blabbered
  28. Blasted
  29. Blubbered
  30. Blurted
  31. Boasted
  32. Bothered
  33. Bragged
  34. Breathed
  35. Brooded
  36. Cackled
  37. Cautioned
  38. Challenged
  39. Chanted
  40. Chatted
  41. Cheered
  42. Chided
  43. Chirped
  44. Choked
  45. Chortled
  46. Chuckled
  47. Clamored
  48. Clarified
  49. Coaxed
  50. Commanded
  51. Commented
  52. Complained
  53. Conceded
  54. Concluded
  55. Concurred
  56. Confessed
  57. Confided
  58. Confronted
  59. Congratulated
  60. Consoled
  61. Contemplated
  62. Continued
  63. Contradicted
  64. Contributed
  65. Convinced
  66. Cooed
  67. Corrected
  68. Counseled
  69. Cried
  70. Croaked
  71. Crowed
  72. Cursed
  73. Dared
  74. Debated
  75. Decided
  76. Declared
  77. Declined
  78. Demanded
  79. Denied
  80. Described
  81. Determined
  82. Dictated
  83. Disclosed
  84. Discussed
  85. Dismissed
  86. Dispensed
  87. Disputed
  88. Divulged
  89. Drawled
  90. Droned
  91. Eagerly
  92. Echoed
  93. Elaborated
  94. Encouraged
  95. Endorsed
  96. Enthused
  97. Enunciated
  98. Estimated
  99. Exclaimed
  100. Explained

B. 100 Dialogue Tags for Questions

Here’s a list of 50 dialogue tags that can be used for questions. Consider using these tags and mixing them with action beats, character movements, and expressions to create more engaging dialogue:

  1. asked
  2. inquired
  3. questioned
  4. interrogated
  5. probed
  6. quizzed
  7. pressed
  8. demanded
  9. wondered
  10. queried
  11. grilled
  12. interviewed
  13. examined
  14. cross-examined
  15. solicited
  16. investigated
  17. sought
  18. requested
  19. required
  20. implored
  21. entreated
  22. begged
  23. beseeched
  24. petitioned
  25. urged
  26. pleaded
  27. proposed
  28. challenged
  29. pried
  30. insisted
  31. posed
  32. put forth
  33. ventured
  34. whispered
  35. muttered
  36. mumbled
  37. murmured
  38. stammered
  39. stuttered
  40. hesitated
  41. faltered
  42. babbled
  43. drawled
  44. hinted
  45. implied
  46. suggested
  47. asserted
  48. blurted
  49. exclaimed
  50. gasped
  1. sputtered
  2. marveled
  3. reflected
  4. gushed
  5. emphasized
  6. pronounced
  7. enunciated
  8. articulated
  9. spoke
  10. expounded
  11. ruminated
  12. pondered
  13. weighed
  14. contemplated
  15. mused
  16. considered
  17. conjectured
  18. speculated
  19. presumed
  20. estimated
  21. assessed
  22. evaluated
  23. calculated
  24. surmised
  25. approximated

C. 100 Dialogue Tags Before Dialogue

Here’s a list of 100 dialogue tags that can be used before dialogue. Keep in mind that many of these tags can also be used after dialogue, depending on the context.

  1. Accepted
  2. Accused
  3. Acknowledged
  4. Added
  5. Addressed
  6. Admitted
  7. Advised
  8. Affirmed
  9. Agreed
  10. Allowed
  11. Announced
  12. Answered
  13. Anticipated
  14. Apologized
  15. Appealed
  16. Argued
  17. Articulated
  18. Asked
  19. Asserted
  20. Assured
  21. Attempted
  22. Babbled
  23. Barked
  24. Bawled
  25. Began
  26. Begged
  27. Believed
  28. Bellowed
  29. Beseeched
  30. Blabbered
  31. Blurted
  32. Boasted
  33. Breathed
  34. Briefed
  35. Bragged
  36. Cackled
  37. Calculated
  38. Called
  39. Cajoled
  40. Cautioned
  41. Challenged
  42. Chanted
  43. Chatted
  44. Cheered
  45. Chided
  46. Chirped
  47. Chortled
  48. Chose
  49. Chuckled
  50. Claimed
  51. Clarified
  52. Clucked
  53. Coaxed
  54. Commanded
  55. Commented
  56. Communicated
  57. Complained
  58. Complimented
  59. Conceded
  60. Concluded
  61. Confessed
  62. Confided
  63. Confronted
  64. Congratulated
  65. Considered
  66. Contended
  67. Contested
  68. Continued
  69. Contradicted
  70. Conveyed
  71. Cried
  72. Criticized
  73. Croaked
  74. Cursed
  75. Dared
  76. Debated
  77. Decided
  78. Declared
  79. Declined
  80. Deduced
  81. Defended
  82. Demanded
  83. Denied
  84. Described
  85. Determined
  86. Dictated
  87. Disagreed
  88. Disclosed
  89. Discovered
  90. Dismissed
  91. Disputed
  92. Divulged
  93. Drawled
  94. Droned
  95. Eagerly
  96. Echoed
  97. Elaborated
  98. Encouraged
  99. Enquired
  100. Exclaimed

D. 100 Dialogue Tags After Dialogue

Here is a list of 100 dialogue tags that can be used after dialogue.

  1. acknowledged
  2. added
  3. admitted
  4. advised
  5. affirmed
  6. agreed
  7. announced
  8. answered
  9. apologized
  10. argued
  11. asked
  12. bellowed
  13. begged
  14. blurted
  15. bragged
  16. breathed
  17. called
  18. cautioned
  19. challenged
  20. chided
  21. chuckled
  22. claimed
  23. clarified
  24. commanded
  25. commented
  26. complained
  27. conceded
  28. confessed
  29. continued
  30. corrected
  31. countered
  32. cried
  33. decided
  34. declared
  35. demanded
  36. denied
  37. described
  38. disagreed
  39. disclosed
  40. discussed
  41. dismissed
  42. disputed
  43. emphasized
  44. encouraged
  45. enquired
  46. exclaimed
  47. explained
  48. expressed
  49. frowned
  50. giggled
  51. groaned
  52. growled
  53. grumbled
  54. guessed
  55. hinted
  56. hissed
  57. insisted
  58. instructed
  59. interrupted
  60. joked
  61. laughed
  62. lied
  63. mentioned
  64. murmured
  65. muttered
  66. objected
  67. observed
  68. offered
  69. ordered
  70. pleaded
  71. pointed out
  72. pondered
  73. pouted
  74. praised
  75. pressed
  76. proclaimed
  77. promised
  78. proposed
  79. questioned
  80. reasoned
  81. reassured
  82. recalled
  83. replied
  84. reported
  85. requested
  86. retorted
  87. revealed
  88. roared
  89. scoffed
  90. shouted
  91. sighed
  92. smiled
  93. snapped
  94. sneered
  95. sniffed
  96. sobbed
  97. speculated
  98. stated
  99. suggested
  100. whispered

D. 100 Dialogue Tags: Action Tags & Prompts

Here is a list of 100 action tags that can be used with dialogue. Action tags help to show the characters’ actions or emotions while they speak, adding more depth to your dialogue and helping readers visualize the scene.

  1. acknowledged, nodding
  2. adjusted, fixing their glasses
  3. agreed, clapping a hand on their shoulder
  4. argued, slamming a fist on the table
  5. asked, raising an eyebrow
  6. barked, pointing a finger
  7. beamed, eyes sparkling
  8. blinked, taken aback
  9. blushed, cheeks reddening
  10. breathed, steadying themselves
  11. chuckled, shaking their head
  12. clenched, balling their fists
  13. closed, folding their arms
  14. confessed, looking down
  15. coughed, clearing their throat
  16. countered, tapping a foot impatiently
  17. cried, wiping away tears
  18. crossed, resting their arms on their chest
  19. decided, pursing their lips
  20. declared, standing tall
  21. demanded, stomping a foot
  22. denied, shaking their head
  23. grinned, flashing a smile
  24. grimaced, wincing in pain
  25. groaned, rubbing their temples
  26. hesitated, biting their lip
  27. hissed, baring their teeth
  28. insisted, jabbing a finger in the air
  29. interrupted, waving a hand
  30. joked, winking
  31. laughed, throwing their head back
  32. leaned in, lowering their voice
  33. lied, avoiding eye contact
  34. listened, cocking their head
  35. looked away, hiding their expression
  36. mumbled, staring at the ground
  37. nodded, agreeing silently
  38. noticed, eyes widening
  39. objected, raising a hand
  40. observed, studying their surroundings
  41. paused, collecting their thoughts
  42. pleaded, clasping their hands together
  43. pointed, directing attention elsewhere
  44. pouted, sticking out their lower lip
  45. pressed, leaning closer
  46. pulled away, distancing themselves
  47. pushed, gesturing forcefully
  48. questioned, tilting their head
  49. raised, lifting their chin
  50. reached out, touching their arm
  51. reassured, giving a comforting smile
  52. rolled, shrugging their shoulders
  53. rubbed, massaging their neck
  54. scoffed, rolling their eyes
  55. scratched, running a hand through their hair
  56. shook, trembling slightly
  57. shouted, cupping their hands around their mouth
  58. shrugged, noncommittal
  59. sighed, releasing a deep breath
  60. smiled, eyes crinkling
  61. smirked, one corner of their mouth lifting
  62. snapped, pointing accusingly
  63. sneered, curling their lip
  64. sniffed, wrinkling their nose
  65. sobbed, covering their face
  66. squinted, shielding their eyes
  67. stammered, tripping over their words
  68. stared, locking eyes with their counterpart
  69. started, jumping in surprise
  70. stomped, expressing frustration
  71. studied, narrowing their eyes
  72. stuttered, struggling to find words
  73. sighed, slumping their shoulders
  74. tapped, drumming their fingers
  75. teased, poking their side
  76. tensed, preparing for action
  77. thanked, bowing their head
  78. thought, rubbing their chin
  79. threatened, clenching their jaw
  80. turned, facing away
  81. twitched, an involuntary reaction
  1. urged, gesturing them forward
  2. warned, holding up a hand
  3. waved, attracting attention
  4. whispered, cupping a hand around their mouth
  5. winced, flinching in pain
  6. winked, showing playfulness
  7. withdrew, stepping back
  8. wrinkled, furrowing their brow
  9. yawned, covering their mouth
  10. yelled, raising their voice
  11. yelped, startled
  12. hesitated, playing with their fingers
  13. glanced, taking in their surroundings
  14. relaxed, releasing tension from their shoulders
  15. recoiled, backing away in fear
  16. peered, trying to see better
  17. gestured, making a sweeping motion
  18. patted, offering reassurance
  19. bit, nervously chewing on their lip

These action tags can be used to enrich your dialogue by providing context and visual cues that help readers connect with the emotions and actions of your characters.

Remember to use them strategically and avoid overloading your dialogue with too many action tags, as it can become overwhelming and distracting. Balance is key when using action tags to enhance your dialogue.

E. 100 Dialogue Tags: Adverbs

Adverb dialogue tags help convey emotions and tone in your dialogue. However, be cautious not to overuse adverbs, as they can weaken your writing. Instead, aim for a balance between adverbs, action tags, and descriptive language.

  1. said softly
  2. replied anxiously
  3. whispered nervously
  4. shouted angrily
  5. muttered bitterly
  6. exclaimed excitedly
  7. mumbled sleepily
  8. asked cautiously
  9. responded sarcastically
  10. murmured soothingly
  11. stated confidently
  12. agreed hesitantly
  13. suggested tentatively
  14. laughed heartily
  15. cried sorrowfully
  16. snarled menacingly
  17. groaned wearily
  18. admitted reluctantly
  19. insisted forcefully
  20. objected passionately
  21. grumbled irritably
  22. sighed wistfully
  23. argued heatedly
  24. scolded sternly
  25. sneered mockingly
  26. babbled nervously
  27. answered evasively
  28. commanded authoritatively
  29. declared emphatically
  30. whimpered pitifully
  31. quipped wryly
  32. gasped breathlessly
  33. joked playfully
  34. retorted sharply
  35. chattered excitedly
  36. lectured monotonously
  37. observed thoughtfully
  38. purred seductively
  39. chided gently
  40. teased light-heartedly
  41. warned ominously
  42. shrieked shrilly
  43. cooed sweetly
  44. stammered awkwardly
  45. drawled lazily
  46. cheered exuberantly
  47. sang melodiously
  48. inquired curiously
  49. apologized sincerely
  50. whispered conspiratorially
  51. snapped irritably
  52. reassured earnestly
  53. moaned mournfully
  54. confessed guiltily
  55. praised enthusiastically
  56. pondered pensively
  57. reminisced nostalgically
  58. questioned suspiciously
  59. gushed admiringly
  60. lied smoothly
  61. mused dreamily
  62. exclaimed abruptly
  63. greeted warmly
  64. protested weakly
  65. sighed resignedly
  66. agreed reluctantly
  67. whispered hesitantly
  68. corrected haughtily
  69. bragged boastfully
  70. chuckled knowingly
  71. announced proudly
  72. barked aggressively
  73. jeered derisively
  74. challenged defiantly
  75. yawned indifferently
  76. hummed tunelessly
  77. grunted noncommittally
  78. whispered urgently
  79. roared thunderously
  80. chuckled darkly
  81. whispered timidly
  82. rambled absentmindedly
  83. giggled nervously
  84. sighed exasperatedly
  85. asserted dominantly
  86. screeched hysterically
  87. requested politely
  88. bellowed furiously
  89. croaked hoarsely
  90. speculated idly
  91. panted breathlessly
  92. countered cleverly
  93. praised lavishly
  94. whispered cryptically
  95. growled lowly
  96. droned on
  97. pleaded desperately
  98. snapped tersely
  99. implored urgently
  100. sighed dejectedly

F. 100 Dialogue Tags: Angry Tags

Angry dialogue tags can be used to convey strong emotions and tension between characters. Below is a list of angry dialogue tags:

  1. shouted
  2. snapped
  3. barked
  4. yelled
  5. snarled
  6. growled
  7. thundered
  8. hissed
  9. spat
  10. fumed
  11. roared
  12. huffed
  13. seethed
  14. scoffed
  15. retorted
  16. sneered
  17. jeered
  18. rasped
  19. bellowed
  20. grumbled
  21. cursed
  22. stormed
  23. raged
  24. glared
  25. rebuked
  26. scolded
  27. erupted
  28. exploded
  29. berated
  30. admonished
  31. chastised
  32. reprimanded
  33. blasted
  34. upbraided
  35. objected
  36. ranted
  37. protested
  38. confronted
  39. taunted
  40. derided
  41. belittled
  42. harangued
  43. railed
  44. reviled
  45. sputtered
  46. groused
  47. snapped back
  48. countered
  49. challenged
  50. lashed out
  51. lambasted
  52. castigated
  53. fulminated
  54. inveighed
  55. rumbled
  56. tiraded
  57. snorted
  58. bristled
  59. griped
  60. complained
  61. muttered darkly
  62. scoffed angrily
  63. flared
  64. bridled
  65. menaced
  66. blustered
  67. retorted icily
  68. hissed furiously
  69. barked sharply
  70. seethed through clenched teeth
  71. snarled menacingly
  72. growled lowly
  73. thundered indignantly
  74. spat contemptuously
  75. bellowed in rage
  76. grumbled irritably
  77. cursed under their breath
  78. exploded in anger
  79. rebuked harshly
  80. scolded bitterly
  81. admonished fiercely
  82. chastised heatedly
  83. reprimanded sternly
  84. blasted accusingly
  85. upbraided with fury
  86. ranted in exasperation
  87. protested vehemently
  88. confronted aggressively
  89. taunted scornfully
  90. derided mockingly
  91. belittled with disdain
  92. harangued furiously
  93. railed bitterly
  94. reviled angrily
  95. sputtered incoherently
  96. groused loudly
  97. snapped back impatiently
  98. countered venomously
  99. challenged defiantly
  100. lashed out in frustration

Best Action Beats

These action beats can be used to replace dialogue tags or add depth to your characters’ expressions in a scene:

  1. shrugged
  2. nodded
  3. smiled
  4. sighed
  5. grimaced
  6. rolled their eyes
  7. clenched their fists
  8. crossed their arms
  9. tapped their foot
  10. bit their lip
  11. raised an eyebrow
  12. furrowed their brow
  13. leaned forward
  14. leaned back
  15. looked away
  16. glanced around
  17. rubbed their neck
  18. rubbed their temples
  19. put a hand on their hip
  20. fidgeted with their clothes
  21. toyed with a nearby object
  22. folded their hands
  23. ran a hand through their hair
  24. scratched their head
  25. adjusted their glasses
  26. pressed their lips together
  27. shook their head
  28. tilted their head
  29. took a deep breath
  30. exhaled loudly
  31. drummed their fingers
  32. swayed from side to side
  33. paced back and forth
  34. stared intently
  35. squinted
  36. winced
  37. put their hands in their pockets
  38. stretched
  39. yawned
  40. huffed
  41. waved dismissively
  42. pointed
  43. gestured
  44. shook a finger
  45. placed a hand on their chest
  46. patted their shoulder
  47. rubbed their chin
  48. steepled their fingers
  49. tapped their chin
  50. blinked rapidly
  51. looked puzzled
  52. flinched
  53. wrinkled their nose
  54. wrinkled their forehead
  55. furrowed their eyebrows
  56. pursed their lips
  57. licked their lips
  58. twirled their hair
  59. tapped a pencil
  60. cracked their knuckles
  61. drummed their fingers on a table
  62. shifted their weight
  63. bobbed their head
  64. pulled at their collar
  65. rubbed their hands together
  66. massaged their temples
  67. rubbed their eyes
  68. wiped their brow
  69. smoothed their clothes
  70. adjusted their tie
  71. fiddled with their jewelry
  72. crossed their legs
  73. uncrossed their legs
  74. hooked a thumb in their belt
  75. clenched their jaw
  76. chewed their thumbnail
  77. rubbed their earlobe
  78. sniffed
  79. cleared their throat
  80. coughed
  81. sniffled
  82. sneezed
  83. laughed
  84. chuckled
  85. snickered
  86. giggled
  87. clapped their hands
  88. slapped their knee
  89. touched their face
  90. held their breath
  91. released their breath
  92. pressed their hand to their chest
  93. covered their mouth
  94. held their head in their hands
  95. placed a hand on their stomach
  96. rubbed their nose
  97. brushed their hair back
  98. looked at the floor
  99. looked at the ceiling
  100. closed their eyes

Video Recommendation: Dialogue Tags List

More Best Dialogue Tags List

  1. acknowledged
  2. added
  3. admitted
  4. advised
  5. affirmed
  6. agreed
  7. announced
  8. answered
  9. apologized
  10. approved
  11. argued
  12. asked
  13. asserted
  14. assured
  15. babbled
  16. barked
  17. began
  18. bellowed
  19. blubbered
  20. blurted
  21. boasted
  22. bragged
  23. breathed
  24. called
  25. cautioned
  26. challenged
  27. chanted
  28. chided
  29. chirped
  30. chortled
  31. chuckled
  32. claimed
  33. coaxed
  34. commanded
  35. commented
  36. conceded
  37. concluded
  38. confessed
  39. confided
  40. consoled
  41. continued
  42. countered
  43. cried
  44. croaked
  45. crowed
  46. dared
  47. decided
  48. declared
  49. demanded
  50. denied
  51. described
  52. directed
  53. disagreed
  54. disclosed
  55. divulged
  56. drawled
  57. echoed
  58. elaborated
  59. encouraged
  60. ended
  61. enthused
  62. exclaimed
  63. explained
  64. expressed
  65. finished
  66. fretted
  67. fumed
  68. gasped
  69. giggled
  70. groaned
  71. growled
  72. grumbled
  73. grunted
  74. guessed
  75. guffawed
  76. gushed
  77. hinted
  78. hissed
  79. hollered
  80. howled
  81. hummed
  82. implored
  83. inquired
  84. insisted
  85. instructed
  86. interjected
  87. interrupted
  88. intoned
  89. jeered
  90. joked
  91. jested
  92. laughed
  93. lectured
  94. lied
  95. lisped
  96. maintained
  97. marveled
  98. mentioned
  99. moaned
  100. mumbled
  101. murmured
  102. mused
  103. nagged
  104. narrated
  105. noted
  106. objected
  107. observed
  108. offered
  109. ordered
  110. panted
  111. pleaded
  112. pointed out
  113. pondered
  114. pouted
  115. praised
  116. prayed
  117. predicted
  118. proclaimed
  119. promised
  120. prompted
  121. proposed
  122. protested
  123. purred
  124. put forth
  125. questioned
  126. quipped
  127. quoted
  128. raged
  129. ranted
  130. reasoned
  131. reassured
  132. recalled
  133. recited
  134. recommended
  135. recounted
  136. reflected
  137. refused
  138. rejoiced
  139. related
  140. remarked
  141. remembered
  142. reminded
  143. repeated
  144. replied
  145. reported
  146. requested
  147. responded
  148. retorted
  149. revealed
  150. roared
  151. sang
  152. scoffed
  153. scolded
  154. screamed
  155. screeched
  156. shared
  157. shouted
  158. shrieked
  159. shrugged
  160. sighed
  161. signaled
  162. simpered
  163. smiled
  164. smirked
  165. snapped
  166. snarled
  167. sneered
  168. sniffed
  169. snorted
  170. sobbed
  171. soothed
  172. speculated
  173. spluttered
  174. squeaked
  175. squealed
  176. stammered
  177. started
  178. stated
  179. stressed
  180. stuttered
  181. suggested
  182. surmised
  183. sighed
  184. taunted
  185. teased
  186. testified
  187. theorized
  188. threatened
  189. thundered
  190. urged
  191. uttered
  192. volunteered
  193. wailed
  194. warned
  195. waved
  196. wept
  197. whispered
  198. whistled
  199. whimpered
  200. wondered
  201. winced
  202. wished
  203. worried
  204. wrangled
  205. yawned
  206. yelled
  207. yelped
  208. accused
  209. acknowledged
  210. addressed
  211. admitted
  212. affirmed
  213. alleged
  214. allowed
  215. alluded
  216. analyzed
  217. announced
  218. answered
  219. apologized
  220. appealed
  221. approved
  222. argued
  223. articulated
  224. asked
  225. asserted
  226. assured
  227. avowed
  228. babbled
  229. barked
  230. bawled
  231. beamed
  232. bellowed
  233. beseeched
  234. betrayed
  235. blabbered
  236. blathered
  237. bleated
  238. blubbered
  239. blurted
  240. boasted
  241. bragged
  242. breathed
  243. bubbled
  244. cackled
  245. cajoled
  246. called
  247. caroled
  248. cautioned
  249. challenged
  250. chanted
  251. chattered
  252. cheered
  253. chided
  254. chirped
  255. chortled
  256. chattered
  257. claimed
  258. clarified
  259. coaxed
  260. commanded
  261. commented
  262. compared
  263. complained
  264. conceded
  265. concluded
  266. confided
  267. confirmed
  268. confronted
  269. consoled
  270. contested
  271. continued
  272. conversed
  273. corrected
  274. countered
  275. cried
  276. croaked
  277. crooned
  278. crowed
  279. cursed
  280. decided
  281. debated
  282. declared
  283. declaimed
  284. declined
  285. defied
  286. demanded
  287. demurred
  288. denied
  289. described
  290. dictated
  291. disagreed
  292. disclosed
  293. discoursed
  294. disputed
  295. divulged
  296. drawled
  297. droned
  298. echoed
  299. elucidated
  300. emphasized
  301. encouraged
  302. endorsed
  303. enunciated
  304. enumerated
  305. equivocated
  306. exaggerated
  307. exclaimed
  308. explicated
  309. explained
  310. expressed
  311. expounded
  312. faltered
  313. finished
  314. flattered
  315. flirted
  316. fretted
  317. fumed
  318. gasped
  319. gesticulated
  320. gibbered
  321. giggled
  322. gossiped
  323. groaned
  324. growled
  325. grumbled
  326. grunted
  327. guffawed
  328. gurgled
  329. haggled
  330. harangued
  331. hinted
  332. hissed
  333. hollered
  334. howled
  335. hummed
  336. hypothesized
  337. implored
  338. implied
  339. inquired
  340. insisted
  341. instructed
  342. interjected
  343. interrogated
  344. interrupted
  345. intoned
  346. introduced
  347. inveighed
  348. jested
  349. jeered
  350. joked
  351. joshed
  352. judged
  353. justified
  354. kidded
  355. lamented
  356. laughed
  357. lectured
  358. lied
  359. lisped
  360. maintained
  361. marveled
  362. mewled
  363. mimicked
  364. moaned
  365. mocked
  366. mumbled
  367. murmured
  368. mused
  369. muttered
  370. narrated
  371. negated
  372. noted
  373. objected
  374. observed
  375. offered
  376. opined
  377. ordered
  378. panted
  379. parodied
  380. persisted
  381. persuaded
  382. petitioned
  383. philosophized
  384. pleaded
  385. pointed out
  386. pondered
  387. pontificated
  388. pouted
  389. praised
  390. prayed
  391. preached
  392. predicted
  393. proclaimed
  394. professed
  395. prompted
  396. proposed
  397. protested
  398. purred
  399. queried
  400. questioned
  401. quibbled
  402. quipped
  403. quoted
  404. raged
  405. rambled
  406. ranted
  407. rationalized
  408. reasoned
  409. reassured
  410. rebuked
  411. rebutted
  412. recalled
  413. recited
  414. reckoned
  415. recommended
  416. recounted
  417. reflected
  418. refuted
  419. rehashed
  420. rejoiced
  421. related
  422. relayed
  423. remarked
  424. remembered
  425. reminded
  426. repeated
  427. rephrased
  428. replied
  429. reported
  430. requested
  431. responded
  432. retorted
  433. revealed
  434. roared
  435. sang
  436. scoffed
  437. scolded
  438. screamed
  439. screeched
  440. shared
  441. shouted
  442. shrieked
  443. shrugged
  444. sighed
  445. signaled
  446. simpered
  447. smiled
  448. smirked
  449. snapped
  450. snarled
  451. sneered
  452. sniffed
  453. snorted
  454. sobbed
  455. solicited
  456. soothed
  457. speculated
  458. spluttered
  459. squeaked
  460. squealed
  461. stammered
  462. started
  463. stated
  464. stressed
  465. stuttered
  466. submitted
  467. suggested
  468. surmised
  469. sighed
  470. taunted
  471. teased
  472. testified
  473. theorized
  474. threatened
  475. thundered
  476. touted
  477. translated
  478. urged
  479. uttered
  480. validated
  481. ventured
  482. verified
  483. vocalized
  484. volunteered
  485. wailed
  486. warned
  487. waved
  488. wept
  489. wheedled
  490. whined
  491. whispered
  492. whistled
  493. whimpered
  494. wondered
  495. worried
  496. wrangled
  497. yelled
  498. yelped
  499. yodeled
  500. zinged
  501. quavered
  502. rhapsodized
  503. ribbed
  504. ridiculed
  505. ruminated
  506. sassed
  507. savored
  508. screeched
  509. seconded
  510. sermonized
  511. shivered
  512. shrugged off
  513. sidestepped
  514. signified
  515. silenced
  516. simpered
  517. sizzled
  518. slurred
  519. snapped back
  520. snickered
  521. sniveled
  522. soliloquized
  523. spouted
  524. squeaked out
  525. squirmed
  526. stonewalled
  527. strangled
  528. stressed out
  529. stuttered out
  530. submitted
  531. sulked
  532. summarized
  533. supported
  534. surrendered
  535. susurrated
  536. swayed
  537. sympathized
  538. tattled
  539. taunted back
  540. tempered
  541. tendered
  542. theorized
  543. tiptoed
  544. toasted
  545. tolerated
  546. trilled
  547. tsked
  548. twittered
  549. unburdened
  550. underscored
  551. unraveled
  552. updated
  553. vacillated
  554. validated
  555. vouched
  556. waffled
  557. wagged
  558. wavered
  559. weaseled
  560. welcomed
  561. whined back
  562. whinnied
  563. wished
  564. woofed
  565. yammered
  566. yearned
  567. yelped out
  568. yodeled back
  569. zapped

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