How To Set Writing Goals That Get Accomplished

Just like the ebbs and flows of life, writing can be a long process filled with both highs and lows. You do not need to let fear, anxiety, and uncertainty hamper your writing goals. No matter the odds or obstacles that come your way, it’s important to keep pushing forward with confidence.

Whether it’s developing a routine, overcoming writer’s block, or persevering through challenges – these tips on how to set writing goals will help guide you on your journey toward becoming an accomplished author. So take courage and remember: damn the odds; go for it!

👉 See our overview guide on staying motivated as a writer

How to set writing goals that get accomplished

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How To Set Your Writing Goals

Setting and achieving goals is essential for success. Setting targets, dividing goals into smaller objectives, and constructing a timeline for attaining them can be tough though. However, with the right approach, you can make progress. Here are some tips to get started:

1. Define Your Objectives.

Before you begin setting any writing goal, it’s important to define what exactly you want to achieve. Ask yourself questions such as:

  • What do I hope to accomplish?
  • How will this goal help me reach my ultimate goal?

Once you have a vision of the desired outcome, it’ll be simpler to establish feasible objectives that will lead you there.

2. Break Down Your Goals into Manageable Steps.

Breaking down large tasks into smaller ones makes them more achievable and less overwhelming. For example, if your goal is to publish a novel in six months’ time – instead of trying to write the entire book at once, break it up into monthly milestones such as:

  • Researching agents/publishers by month 1
  • Creating an outline by month 2
  • Drafting chapters 1-3 by month 3
  • Writing chapters 4-6 by month 4
  • Editing & revising by month 5
  • Submitting the manuscript by month 6.

This way each step feels more attainable and allows for greater focus on individual tasks rather than being overwhelmed by the overall task.

Once all of your short-term objectives are outlined clearly, create a timeline that outlines when each should be completed. Having an established timeline gives structure and direction while also providing motivation along the way. A timeline provides something tangible that can be crossed off when achieved successfully.

Setting deadlines also helps prevent procrastination since they act as mini motivators throughout the process, pushing us closer toward our ultimate goal.

3. Develop a Writing Routine

Creating a consistent writing routine is essential for any aspiring writer. Find the right time and place to write so you can stay focused and productive. I often break this down into 3 steps:

  1. Establishing your creative time zone
  2. Setting up your conducive workspace
  3. Setting a writing time

1. Establish your creative time zone.

Start by figuring out when during the day you are most alert, creative, and inspired. Personally, I work better in the late mornings. For some folks, their most alert, creative, and inspired period may be prior to the commencement of daily activities or after dark when all others have retired. Determine the time of day when you feel most productive and use that as your go-to time zone for creative endeavors.

2. Set up your conducive workspace

Next, decide on a dedicated workspace where you will do your writing every day – preferably somewhere that is quiet and free from distractions like TV or video games. This could be anywhere from your bedroom to a local library or coffee shop; whatever environment helps get your creative juices flowing. Make sure your workspace is well-lit and comfortable so that it encourages productivity.

3. Set a writing time

Finally, set aside time each day specifically for writing; even if it’s just 10 minutes here or there throughout the week, consistency is key. Once you have established an effective routine that fits into your lifestyle, stick with it as much as possible. This will help keep motivation levels high, even on days when inspiration feels low. That said, writing regularly can also boost confidence over time as progress becomes more visible with practice.

Forming a writing routine may be hard, but with correct planning and execution, alongside an environment that promotes writing, it will get simpler. Now let’s look at how you can overcome writer’s block and self-doubt in order to stay motivated.

How To Overcome Writer’s Block and Self-Doubt

Writer’s block and self-doubt can be two of the most intimidating challenges you will face when writing. Whether you are a professional author or an aspiring one, having strategies in place to manage these downturns is essential for success.

1. Identify the Source of Your Anxiety or Fear of Failure.

The first step in overcoming writer’s block and self-doubt is identifying what triggers them. Is it fear of failure? A lack of confidence in your work?

Identifying the source of your apprehension can help you to determine how best to manage it. Additionally, look at any external sources that may be causing stress such as deadlines or other expectations from yourself or others.

2. Reframe Negative Thoughts into Positive Ones.

Once you have identified the sources of your anxiety, reframe those negative thoughts into positive ones. Instead of focusing on potential failures, focus on successes instead – even small wins can make a difference. Remind yourself that there are no “perfect” solutions; mistakes happen but they don’t define us as writers nor do they determine our worth as authors.

3. Persevere Despite Challenges and Obstacles

No matter how dedicated and passionate you are about your writing, there will be times when you face challenges or obstacles that can seem insurmountable. Do not be disheartened by difficulties; remain determined to achieve your aspirations. It is essential to recall that most successful authors encountered their own battles in the process.

Don’t let any failures stop you from continuing on your journey. Instead of dwelling on mistakes or missteps, focus on what went right, and double down. If it helps, create a vision board with images of what inspires and motivates you to keep going. I often display mine right across the wall just above my computer. So, anytime I take a break to heave a sigh and look up, it’s right there staring at me.

4. Seek Support From Writer Friends

Seek support from friends, family, or professional writers if needed. Talking through problems with someone who understands. I am here to help provide clarity as well as reassurance that I and many others have gone through similar experiences before finding success in our writing careers.

So, do not hesitate to reach out for help when necessary; there is no shame in asking for assistance during difficult times—in fact, it often leads to greater accomplishments than one could achieve alone.

👉 See our guide on how to overcome writers block

Final Notes On How To Set Writing Goals

No matter how hard the journey may be, I am here to encourage you not to give up on your writing goals. Take a deep breath and keep pushing forward. C’mon, damn the odds.

Persevere and be devoted; no matter what, it is possible. So go for it – write with passion, focus on improving every day, and stay motivated. You never know where this path will take you until you try.

Take our writing challenge and make your writing stand out. You can also use our numerous tips on our blog to improve your skill and maximize your chances of success.

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