How To Write Dialogue Between Doctor And Patient [13 Templates]

Writing realistic doctor-patient dialogues is essential for fiction writers who write scenes related to hospital interactions or doctor-patient scenarios. Dialogue writing specific to two characters in a story contains critical information for the reader and reveals key aspects of both characters’ personalities.

In this article, we’ll explore how to write dialogue between doctor and patient with templates that focus on various medical topics and situations. We’ll also provide tips on crafting engaging dialogue that resonates with your readers.

👉 See our overview guide to dialogue writing for authors

How to write dialogue between doctor and patient

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How To Write Dialogue Between Doctor And Patient

  1. Research medical terminology and conditions: To make your dialogue sound authentic, familiarize yourself with common medical terms and conditions related to the topic of conversation. However, remember not to overwhelm your readers with jargon.
  2. Understand the characters: Clearly understand your characters’ backgrounds, motivations, and personalities. This will help you create a believable conversation that reflects their individuality.
  3. Use body language and non-verbal cues: Incorporate body language and non-verbal cues into your dialogue to add depth and emotion to the conversation. Describe how the characters behave during the interaction to give readers a better understanding of their feelings and reactions.
  4. Keep the dialogue natural and realistic: Ensure the conversation flows naturally and mimics how people speak. This is a rule of dialogue writing that should not be overlooked.
  5. Create a balance between dialogue and narrative: Strike a balance between dialogue and narrative by describing the setting, characters’ emotions, and other relevant information to enhance the conversation and keep the reader engaged.
  6. Use dialogue to advance the plot or reveal character: Ensure that the conversation between the doctor and patient contributes to the overall story, whether it’s advancing the plot, revealing character traits, or providing information.

👉 To learn more, read our guide to the rules of dialogue writing

How To Write Dialogue Between Doctor And Patient [13 Templates]

Below are 13 templates on how to write dialogue between doctor and patient:

1. Dialogue Between Doctor and Patient Discussing Fever

Dr. Lee: Hello, Tom. How are you today?
Tom: Not great, Dr. Lee. I have a fever.
Dr. Lee: How high is your temperature?
Tom: 102 degrees Fahrenheit.
Dr. Lee: Any other symptoms?
Tom: Headache and sore throat.
Dr. Lee: Sounds like the flu.

[The conversation continues, with Dr. Lee recommending over-the-counter medications, rest, and fluids to help Tom recover from his fever and flu symptoms.]

Dr. Lee: Rest is crucial, Tom.
Tom: How long should I rest?
Dr. Lee: At least until the fever breaks.
Tom: And medication?
Dr. Lee: Ibuprofen for fever and pain.

[The conversation continues, with Dr. Lee providing advice on hydration when to seek further medical help, and tips for avoiding the spread of illness to others.]

2. Dialogue Between Doctor and Patient About Quitting Smoking

Dr. Green: Hi, Susan. What brings you in today?
Susan: I want to quit smoking, Dr. Green.
Dr. Green: That’s great, Susan! Are you ready for help?
Susan: Yes, I’m tired of being a smoker.
Dr. Green: There are many options. Let’s find the right one.

[Dr. Green explains various smoking cessation methods, such as nicotine replacement therapy, medications, and support groups, and Susan shares her concerns and goals for quitting smoking.]

Dr. Green: Nicotine patches might help.
Susan: How do they work?
Dr. Green: They release nicotine gradually.
Susan: Any other options?
Dr. Green: Prescription medications like Chantix.

[The dialogue continues, with Dr. Green and Susan discussing the pros and cons of various quitting methods and Susan deciding which option she feels most comfortable pursuing.]

3. Dialogue Between Doctor and Patient About Allergy

Dr. Anderson: Good morning, Alex. How can I help you?
Alex: I’ve been sneezing a lot, Dr. Anderson.
Dr. Anderson: Allergies, maybe? Any other issues?
Alex: Itchy eyes and a runny nose.
Dr. Anderson: Sounds like seasonal allergies. Let’s discuss treatment options.

[Dr. Anderson suggests antihistamines, nasal corticosteroids, and allergy shots to help manage Alex’s allergy symptoms and provide relief.]

Dr. Anderson: Antihistamines can help.
Alex: Which one should I take?
Dr. Anderson: Claritin or Zyrtec are good options.
Alex: Will they make me drowsy?
Dr. Anderson: Usually not, but individual reactions vary.

[The conversation continues, with Dr. Anderson providing further information about allergy medications and suggesting additional strategies for managing symptoms, such as using a saline nasal spray or avoiding known allergens.]

4. Dialogue Between Doctor and Patient About Heart Health

Dr. Kim: Welcome back, Lisa.
How’s your blood pressure?
Lisa: It’s still high, Dr. Kim.
Dr. Kim: Any lifestyle changes since last time?
Lisa: I’ve been exercising more, but still struggling.
Dr. Kim: Let’s review your diet and consider medication.

[The dialogue continues, with Dr. Kim offering guidance on dietary changes and discussing possibly adding medication to Lisa’s treatment plan to help manage her hypertension.]

Dr. Kim: Reduce salt intake, Lisa.
Lisa: What about exercise?
Dr. Kim: 30 minutes daily, moderate intensity.
Lisa: And if that doesn’t work?
Dr. Kim: We’ll consider medication.

[Dr. Kim and Lisa discuss other lifestyle changes, such as stress management and weight loss, that can help improve hypertension and overall heart health.]

👉 For deeper insight, see our article on dialogue writing between two characters

5. Dialogue Between Doctor and Patient About Insomnia and Sleep

Dr. Johnson: Hello, Mark. How have you been sleeping?
Mark: Not well, Dr. Johnson. I can’t fall asleep.
Dr. Johnson: How long has this been happening?
Mark: About two weeks now.
Dr. Johnson: Let’s explore possible causes and solutions.

[Dr. Johnson asks Mark about his sleep habits, stress levels, and daily routine and suggests potential strategies and treatments to help Mark overcome his insomnia.]

Dr. Johnson: Create a bedtime routine, Mark.
Mark: What should it include?
Dr. Johnson: Relaxing activities, like reading.
Mark: Should I avoid screens?
Dr. Johnson: Yes, they can disrupt sleep.

[Dr. Johnson provides more tips for establishing healthy sleep habits and discussing potential treatments, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia or sleep aids, if necessary.]

6. Dialogue Between Doctor and Patient About Medication Side Effects

Dr. Baker: Hi, Sarah. How’s the new medication?
Sarah: It’s helping, Dr. Baker, but I have side effects.
Dr. Baker: What side effects are you experiencing?
Sarah: Nausea and dizziness.
Dr. Baker: Let’s discuss how to manage them or consider alternatives.

[The conversation continues. Dr. Baker provides tips on managing the side effects and the possibility of switching to another medication to minimize discomfort and ensure Sarah’s treatment remains effective.]

Dr. Baker: Nausea can be managed with ginger.
Sarah: What if that doesn’t work?
Dr. Baker: We can try anti-nausea medication.
Sarah: And the dizziness?
Dr. Baker: Drink water and stand up slowly.

[Dr. Baker and Sarah discuss other ways to manage side effects or consider alternative medications that may have fewer or less severe side effects.]

7. Dialogue Between Doctor and Patient About Exercise and Diet

Dr. Martin: Hi, Emily. How’s your health journey going?
Emily: Slow, Dr. Martin. I’m having trouble staying motivated.
Dr. Martin: What’s been the most challenging?
Emily: Sticking to a healthy diet and exercise.
Dr. Martin: Let’s talk about setting achievable goals.

[The dialogue continues. Dr. Martin offers suggestions for creating a balanced diet, finding enjoyable exercises, and setting realistic goals to help Emily stay on track with her health journey.]

Dr. Martin: Start with small changes, Emily.
Emily: Like what? Dr. Martin: Swap soda for water or add veggies to meals.
Emily: How about exercise? Dr. Martin: Try walking for 30 minutes a day.

[Dr. Martin provides additional suggestions for healthy food swaps, finding enjoyable physical activities, and staying accountable with a support system or tracking app.]

8. Dialogue Between Doctor and Patient about Weight Loss

Dr. Smith: Hi, Jane. How can I help you today?
Jane: I need to lose weight, Dr. Smith.
Dr. Smith: What’s your goal weight?
Jane: I want to lose 30 pounds.
Dr. Smith: Let’s make a plan together.

[Dr. Smith and Jane discuss dietary changes, exercise routines, and setting realistic goals to achieve healthy weight loss.]

9. Dialogue Between Doctor and Patient About Mental Health

Dr. Brown: Hello, Peter. What brings you in?
Peter: I’ve been feeling down, Dr. Brown.
Dr. Brown: How long has this been happening?
Peter: A few months now.
Dr. Brown: Let’s explore some treatment options.

[The conversation continues as Dr. Brown asks Peter about his symptoms and daily routines and suggests potential strategies and treatments to improve his mental health, such as therapy or medication.]

10. Dialogue Between Doctor and Patient About Diabetes Management

Dr. Patel: Hi, Mark. How’s your diabetes management?
Mark: It’s tough, Dr. Patel.
Dr. Patel: Are you taking your medication?
Mark: Yes, but I need help with my diet.
Dr. Patel: Let’s discuss some dietary changes.

[Dr. Patel provides guidance on creating a balanced diet to manage diabetes, the role of exercise, and the importance of regular blood sugar monitoring.]

11. Dialogue Between Doctor and Patient About Prenatal Care

Dr. Thompson: Welcome, Lisa. How’s your pregnancy?
Lisa: It’s been rough, Dr. Thompson.
Dr. Thompson: What issues are you experiencing?
Lisa: Morning sickness and fatigue.
Dr. Thompson: Let’s discuss how to manage these symptoms.

[The conversation continues. Dr. Thompson offers advice on coping with morning sickness and fatigue and discusses the importance of regular prenatal appointments, screenings, and tests.]

11. Dialogue Between Doctor and Patient About Injury

Dr. Williams: Hi, Sam. What happened to your arm?
Sam: I fell off my bike, Dr. Williams.
Dr. Williams: Does it hurt a lot?
Sam: Yes, and I can’t move it well.
Dr. Williams: Let’s examine it and discuss treatment.

[Dr. Williams evaluates Sam’s injury, discussing potential treatments such as immobilization, pain management, and physical therapy and providing guidance on preventing future injuries.]

12. Dialogue Template: Doctor and Patient About Cancer

Dr. Miller: Hello, Karen. I have your test results.
Karen: Is it cancer, Dr. Miller?
Dr. Miller: Yes, it’s breast cancer.
Karen: What are my treatment options?
Dr. Miller: Let’s discuss surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.

[The dialogue continues. Dr. Miller explains the benefits and risks of various treatment options, and Karen shares her concerns and preferences to create a personalized treatment plan.]

13. Dialogue Between Doctor and Patient About Skincare

Dr. Taylor: Hi, Mike. What’s your skin concern?
Mike: I have acne, Dr. Taylor.
Dr. Taylor: How long have you had it?
Mike: For a few years now.
Dr. Taylor: Let’s discuss treatment and skincare.

[Dr. Taylor recommends different acne treatments, such as topical medications or oral antibiotics, and provides advice on proper skincare routines to help manage and prevent breakouts.]

Final Notes: How To Write Dialogue Between Doctor and Patient In A Story

Writing engaging doctor-patient dialogues can be a powerful tool in your fiction writing. By using these dialogue templates as a starting point and incorporating the provided tips, you can craft authentic conversations that resonate with your readers and help bring your story to life. Remember to keep it simple, vary sentence length, and convey emotion so you can create relatable interactions between two characters.

👉See our article on dialogue writing between two characters

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