7 Tips for Staying Motivated As A Writer
As writers, we all face the challenge of staying motivated. It can be difficult to stay on track when facing obstacles and setbacks in our writing. However, with a plan and focus, it is possible to remain committed to your goals.
This post offers guidance on how to sustain enthusiasm for writing, even in the face of adversity, so you can stay dedicated to your aspirations as a writer (and author).
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How To Stay Motivated To Write
1. Find Your Purpose:
Consider the purpose behind your writing goals. Are driven by a story to tell or do you simply enjoy creating characters and worlds? Do you just want to become an author or do you want your book to make the bestselling list?
Knowing what drives you will help keep you focused when times get tough or inspiration runs low. It will also give you something tangible to aim for – whether it’s getting published or just being able to look back at all of your hard work with pride once it’s finished.
Writing isn’t always easy. There will be days where nothing seems right no matter how hard we try and others where our words flow like magic from our fingertips onto the page. So make sure that whatever goals you set are realistic enough so they won’t overwhelm or discourage you.
👉 See our motivational guide on how to set writing goals
2. Identify Your Writing Goals
When it comes to writing goals, the most important thing is to be realistic. You can’t afford to be swept away in fantasies of achieving fame as a renowned author and having your works distributed around the globe. I know, it’s good to dream but such accomplishments don’t come immediately. You’d need to set goals and work towards them. In fact, make sure they’re realizable – remember SMART?
Your goals need to be:
- S – Specific: Define what you want to achieve. Can you break it down into smaller, more achievable goals?
- M – Measurable: Make sure you can measure the progress of your goal
- A – Achievable: Is your goal achievable? Can you realistically accomplish it within the given timeframe?
- R – Realistic: Is your goal realistic and relevant to you?
- T – Time-bound: Give yourself a timeline in which to complete the goal.
👉 See our motivational guide on how to set writing goals
3. Make a Plan
Having a strategy is an absolute must when it comes to writing, and much more, succeeding with it. Whether you’re an aspiring author or a seasoned writer, mapping out your goals and objectives will help keep you focused and on track.
Start by making a plan. Break down your goal into smaller ones (objectives) that are specific and more achievable (within a time frame). Let’s say you want to write a novel in the next six months, break down the project into smaller tasks such as outlining chapters or researching topics related to your book. You can set achievable milestones such as:
- Brainstorming
- Researching
- Outlining chapters
- Drafting a certain number of chapters each month or one chapter per week
Next, create deadlines for yourself so that each task can be completed on schedule. You can use editing software like Evernote that offers task management options.
4. Stay Focused
Distractions, be they tasks, activities, or people, can quickly divert attention away from writing. When you’re working on a writing project, it’s important to remain laser-focused and keep your eye on the prize.
If you find that you often get distracted, you can try the pomodoro technique. Try scheduling blocks of uninterrupted time dedicated solely to working on your writing projects – no distractions allowed. Turn off notifications from social media apps or anything else that might take away from productivity; these little moments of concentration add up quickly. Alternatively, you could use distraction-free writing apps for this purpose.
Also, consider investing in noise-canceling headphones if needed. You can use them to keep distractions at bay while working. I often use some ambient sounds like rain falling outside or birds chirping away in the background when writing. And these can actually be quite calming 🙂
5. Acknowledge Your Achievements
We all need a little motivation to keep going on our writing journey. Acknowledge your achievements as you make small progress. Reward yourself for the effort expended to reach each milestone. This will help sustain your enthusiasm and perseverance.
I always celebrate my successes and reward myself for all my hard work. Take some time out of your day to do something special for yourself. It could be as simple as walking your dog or getting ice cream with friends to bigger rewards like taking a vacation. Just make sure it’s something meaningful and rewarding for you.
Some others find that sharing their successes with others is highly satisfying. So, it’s okay to post about it on social media or send messages to family members who may not know what you’re working on yet.
Write down your accomplishments each week. But you cannot do this if you don’t track progress. So, find ways to track your progress so that when milestones are reached they don’t go unnoticed. I keep a log of the things I accomplished each week. I often use a spreadsheet but you can use tools like Trello or even simple note-taking apps.
6. Connect With Other Writers
Join writing groups, attend conferences or workshops, or simply find online forums of like-minded writers that can help you stay focused on your goals. Staying connected with other writers helps boost motivation and creativity.
Writer friends are great motivators. They can provide helpful advice about how they manage their own writing process. And this could be just what you need to push through your current project or start something new. So, take advantage of the expertise of successful writers who have already gone before you. In a way, you’ll gain insight into how they achieved success and apply it to yours.
Writing coaches are also a great asset if you feel like you need additional guidance or support. They can provide feedback on manuscripts, advice on managing time effectively, and tips for improving skillsets such as grammar, punctuation, and flow.
Writing buddies are also great motivators too. When it comes down to pushing through tough times, have someone else around to keep focus off the task at hand while still making sure work gets done faster than usual (and often better).
If none of these options appeal then try taking part in a daily challenge. Some websites even offer timed challenges where participants must write within an allotted time frame. Oftentimes, we may need this kind of pressure for creative inspiration.
7. Take Breaks
Writers don’t work harder; they work smarter. Try to take breaks from time to time. It’ll allow you re-energize and approach your work with new ideas. It can also help overcome writer’s block and set achievable goals.
When you lack enthusiasm or have difficulty getting words on paper, it can be a challenge to maintain your drive. A break gives you time to recharge and refocus on what matters most. Pause from your writing so you can have the opportunity to return with a new perspective and enthusiasm.
Breaks also give you the opportunity to reassess where you are in terms of progress and adjust them accordingly if needed. Allow yourself some downtime away from the computers every now and then so you don’t burn the candle at both ends. Go outside for some fresh air, grab lunch with friends/family members, or simply kick back and relax while watching a TV show (or reading another author’s work).
You can also find alternate incentives outside of the writing task to keep going during times of low enthusiasm. You could watch motivational videos online, or listen to podcasts featuring interviews with successful writers. They often share their stories of how they got started and maintained success throughout their career paths.
Bonus Tip. Enjoy The Journey
Successful writing isn’t just about the end product. It’s also about the process. Enjoying the writing journey. Writing can be a difficult process, but it doesn’t have to be all hard work and no play. Reward yourself for each accomplishment to stay inspired.
When motivation is low, nothing beats having people cheer you on for accomplishing the little things. Take advantage of and actively participate in online communities where authors share their experiences, ask questions, discuss ideas, etc. Just enjoy the process. And trust it too.
Also, try to focus less on mistakes made and more on successes achieved. Believe me, they are plenty and those will add up quickly as you work on your project. So, revel in your journey.
Understand that they’ll always be ups and downs, ebbs and flows. Just like life, it is what it is. So, try not to get bogged down all the time. Just enjoy each challenge as it comes.
👉 See our motivational post on Life begins at 40
FAQs On How To Stay Motivated To Write
What Motivates You As A Writer?
I’m motivated by the challenge of creating something from nothing. I find joy in crafting stories and exploring ideas that can bring entertainment, enlightenment, or comfort to others. The exhilaration of witnessing my work come to fruition drives me on as a writer and author.
Why Is Motivation Important In Writing?
Motivation is essential for any writer, as it provides the necessary drive to create. Without the drive of motivation, writers can find themselves without direction or focus in their writing and thus succumb to postponing tasks or becoming unproductive. Motivation also helps keep writers inspired by providing them with a sense of purpose and enthusiasm.
How Do I Get Motivated To Write?
The motivation to write can come from within. Set a goal for yourself and make it achievable, such as writing 500 words per day or finishing the first draft in two weeks. Break down larger tasks into smaller ones and set deadlines for each step. Find sources of inspiration like reading other works on the same topic or genre, talking to experts, or researching online.
How Do I Overcome Lack Of Motivation To Write?
Reward yourself for each milestone achieved, however insignificant it may seem. Create an environment that is conducive to writing; eliminate distractions and create a schedule with set times dedicated solely to writing.
Final Notes On How To Stay Motivated To Write
Maintaining inspiration as a writer can be demanding but achievable. Through goal setting, planning, and focusing on the task at hand while celebrating successes, you will find yourself staying more motivated in your writing journey. Success comes with dedication and hard work; stay determined to reach that success.
Take control of your writing career and stay motivated! Learn the tips, tricks, and techniques to help you become a successful writer.